At the age of 40 years, the metabolic rate of the body begins to decrease. Makes the skin cell renewal cycle slower than 20-year-olds twice as slow as the skin cell renewal slows down, causing the accumulation of old cells. and the creation of new skin cells occurs slowly As a result, the skin is not as bright as in puberty. It also makes it easy to get fat, have cold and hot symptoms and feel tired all the time. Let’s know how to take care of the body to enhance the metabolic system to work well with warm water mixed with yellow lemon or lemon from Japanese advice.
Why is warm water mixed with yellow lemon good for health, especially for people aged 40 years and over? with the nutrient value of yellow lemon as follows ufabet
citric acid , which increases the metabolic rate. Makes the body convert sugar into energy for the body well. When the body has a better metabolic system, it will produce good skin cells, hair cells, and blood cells. In addition, when the body converts nutrients into energy well, it will be difficult to become fat. It also helps to make good blood circulation. Relieves stiff shoulders and helps recover from fatigue, etc.
Vitamin C , which suppresses melanin production Help whiten skin, reduce acne, relieve sore throat. and helps relieve fatigue
polyphenols , which are free radicals that help slow down aging
Potassium , which removes excess salt from the body and helps reduce edema.
Limonene (Limonene) , which is on the surface of the yellow lemon. It has properties that make you feel relaxed and helps reduce appetite. It’s good for people who want to control or lose weight.
Time and quantity should drink warm water mixed with yellow lemon juice.
The best time to drink warm water mixed with yellow lemon juice is after waking up before breakfast. Or during 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, drinking warm water during this time will cause the gastrointestinal tract, especially intestinal movements to work. Makes it excrete waste from the body well. When waste is excreted from the body, it makes the body’s metabolism work well. Resulting in better fat burning in the body.
The method of preparation is to add 1-2 teaspoons of yellow lemon juice to warm water (200 ml) boiled in a kettle or pot. Let it boil for 15 minutes and place it until the temperature is about 37 degrees Celsius (if there is no You can boil it in the microwave at any time.) A healthy amount is no more than 2 glasses a day, because if you drink too much, it can cause distension. In addition, if it is a yellow lemon that is grown without toxic substances. Adding lemon peel to it will increase the effectiveness of weight loss. Because the lemon peel contains limonene, which can help suppress appetite.
In addition to drinking warm water mixed with yellow lemon juice every morning. Drinking 5-6 glasses of warm water per day (700-800 ml) will increase the efficiency of both the metabolism and the waste excretion system. Which in addition to being a good helper in losing weight, it also helps to slow down the wrinkling of beautiful skin.
Yellow limes or lemons have a milder flavor and are more aromatic than limes, making them easier to drink. If drinking for about 1 week in a row, it will make the digestive system work well. And if drinking for about 2 weeks, the weight will gradually decrease and if you want to lose weight better, exercise along with dieting as well. However, if there is no fresh yellow lemon, you can use the ready-made yellow lemon juice instead.