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What causes measles? Symptoms and ways to prevent measles

What causes measles? Symptoms and ways to prevent measles

Measles is a contagious disease characterized by high fever and red rash. Caused by a virus And it is more common in young children, although adults can also be infected. This infection has a high ability to spread through inhalation. As a result, people who do

How to eat to reduce "high blood pressure"?

How to eat to reduce “high blood pressure”?

high blood pressure It is often a common disease of people who are getting older. Due to increasing age Food that cannot be eaten to your heart’s content like in the past Reduced energy metabolism from daily activities. and various chronic diseases, but if you can adjust your eating habits It

5 easy ways to reduce high blood pressure without taking medicine

5 easy ways to reduce high blood pressure without taking medicine

Another health problem that many Thai people suffer from is “ high blood pressure ” which is often found in working age people until old age. People who weigh more than the standard and people with inappropriate eating habits Although it is a very common symptom And it is one of the